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L-Shape and Strong Jawlines by Botox Injection with Nefertiti Neck Lift Technique

What is the Nefertiti Neck Lift?

A well-defined jawline with a long neck has been a sign of beauty since the time of the Egyptians. This new procedure creates a well-toned, smooth neck and lifted jaw line, taking its name from Queen Nefertiti, whose elegant bone structure continues to be admired in modern time
The Nefertiti Neck Lift is a new procedure that re-defines the elegant lines of the jaw and neck for a youthful, tighter, more contoured appearance without surgery.

How does the Nefertiti Neck Lift Work?

The Nefertiti neck lift is a new technique achieved by placing multiple injections of Botox along the lower jaw line as well as down the side of the neck along the platysma muscle. This improves the definition of the jaw line and rebalances the underlying muscles to provide ‘lifting’ in the neck and jaw area. You will notice improved tightening and overall reduction of drooping neck skin and often reduced wrinkles on the neck in as few as three to five days.
What will the Nefertiti Neck Lift do for you?
Once the Botox has relaxed these muscles, the net effect is an upward pull from facial muscles, creating a younger looking jaw line, neck and face for a lasting result that “won’t let you down”. The treatment needs to be repeated several times per year as with most Botox treatments.
How do you know the Nefertiti Neck Lift is right for you?
The  specializes in helping each patient find a treatment plan that optimally suits their needs and desires through a layering of the most advanced technology in aesthetics and functional medicine. Schedule your consultation with the doctors  to find a plan for you.

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V Beam: Vascular laser for redness acne and abnormal capillaries ,rosacea

What is the V-Beam laser treatment all about?
This is a laser treatment that uses a built-in cooling cryogenic spray mist onto the skin to help decrease the mild discomfort associated with the treatment, and decrease the possibility of blister or scab formation.
This laser produces an intense but gentle burst of light that selectively destroys the blood vessels of spider veins, or other vascular lesions, without damaging the surrounding tissues, leaving them intact and allowing normal pigmentation to occur.
This treatment can improve the look and feel of most scars and stretch marks by stimulating collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin.

This is an USA-FDA accredited treatment procedure.
This has a remarkable level of safety and effectiveness
What are the indications for the V-Beam laser treatment?
1.Acne redness
2. Rosacea Redness on face (telangiectasia)
3. Red birth marks (hemangiomas), Port-wine stains)
5. Angiomas
6. Red stretch marks
7. Keloid scars
How many treatments are recommended to achieve optimum results?
For acne redness, multiple treatments every 2 weeks is the recommendation while other treatments may be given every 4-6 weeks.
-For angiomas, 1-2 treatments is the recommendation.
– For keloid, acne redness, and birth marks, 4-8 treatments is the recommendation
Contraindications of this procedure:
1.Darkly pigmented patients, as skin pigment will make laser less effective in decreasing blood vessels of vascular lesions
2. Lesions with blood vessel depth of more than 1.5mm

The Procedure:

This is a simple 5-20 minute procedure.
1 The face is properly cleansed.
2. The dermatologist will assess the patient’s pain tolerance and if required, he may apply some numbing cream to the area 40 minutes before the laser treatment is started.
3. The dermatologist directs the V-Beam laser towards the area in the patient’s face, where the lesion is located, keeping it still for several minutes.
4. After the procedure a slight redness may be noted so a mild moisturizing cream will be applied to the skin.
5. The patient is allowed to go home with special instructions.
Instructions for the patient after going through the V-Beam treatment procedure:
There may be a transient redness or a slight bruise noted on the treated area for about 2-4 hours or 1-7 days, depending on the treated area. There may also be a very mild pain likened to the sting of sunburn. The treated area is very delicate and should be handled with care.

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Update! Botox injection in advanced technique for cosmetic and medical use .

ฉีดโบทอกซ์ ยกหางคิ้ว หางตา

How does it work?

Botox is a neurotoxin. These substances target the nervous system, disrupting the nerve signaling processes that stimulate muscle contraction. This is how the drug causes temporary muscle paralysis.
In order for any muscle to contract, the nerves release a chemical messenger called acetylcholine at the junction where nerve endings meet muscle cells. Acetylcholine attaches to receptors on the muscle cells and causes the cells to contract, or shorten.
Botox injections prevent the release of acetylcholine, which stops the muscle cells from contracting. In this way, the toxin helps the muscles to become less stiff.

Cosmetic uses:
1. Wrinkles , nasal scrunch
2. Facial Contouring)
3. Nasal scrunch
4. Calf Contouring
5. Reshape eyebrows
6. Face Lift or Crown’S Lfiting )

7. Pre-tarsal muscle hypertrophy
8. Tip of nose lift.
9. Gummy smile
10. Perioral line
11. Mationette Line
12. Mental Crease,Poply Chin
13. Aging Platysma Band
14. Microbotox for large pores
15. Arms Contouring

Medical Use
The FDA have approved Botox for the following uses. Unless otherwise specified, the approval is for use in people 18 or older:
1. upper limb spasticity, in anyone older than 2 years
2. crossed eyes, or strabismus, in those older than 12 years
3. severe underarm sweating, or hyperhidrosis
4. preventing migraine in people whose migraine headaches last at least 4 hours on 15 or more days per month
5. reducing symptoms of an overactive bladder due to a neurological condition if anticholinergic medications do not help
6. eyelid spasms, or blepharospasm, due to dystonia
7. a neurological movement disorder called cervical dystonia that affects the head and causes neck pain
Botox has cosmetic and medical uses. It can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and help treat certain disorders related to the nervous and muscular systems.
If someone wants to try Botox, it is a good idea to speak to a healthcare provider about the risks, costs, and other considerations.

Calf Contouring

Gummy smile
Neck line
Platysma band
Raises the corners of the mouth

Arms contouring